Interaction with other worlds that seem far and near.

Dear family, important person

The heart that loved ones or family want to convey.

The rest of the family and close relatives has a profound effect on our lives and values.
Do you feel fine or pain?
I think a lot about ourselves and our family.

I strive to faithfully communicate the existence and feelings of a passed away family.

Interaction with Other Worlds -Dialogue with Loved Family or Loved One-

Interaction with other worlds -Process

For those who are deeply sad by the rest of the family or close relatives.

<Ask for your understanding and cooperation >
Please besure to read on.
I hope that you can interact with me so that your "important people" can speak up and out.

Impressions received after request

I spelled it out on my blog after avoiding the specific display.
I hope that reading the true story will make the hearts of those who have lost their families a little calm. And I hope you can understand what it means to interact (talk) with other worlds.
The spelling is completed when the energy, physical strength, and time are all the same. Please forgive me. It's a little part of interaction, not whole of requests.

Agatha Blog

Support after apply. Connection by yourself.

As a follow-up to those who request spiritual exchanges, I will give advice on connecting by yourself. For those who wish "Sometime I want to be able to interact with my important family and loved ones ...", I will carefully explain to you merits and demerits that may occur due to the connection.

Regarding details of request method, start time, required time, bill etc.

[ Notice ]

+ 2/22: Coronavirus correspondence: About Face to face intervew

+ If your e-mail is a mobile carrier domain (,,, etc.), please check the reception settings.

+ Meeting place on Saturday and Sunday.Here

Blog - Interacting with a loved one

+ Records of spiritual exchanges with beloved family members or loved ones who have passed away

Agatha mediumship blog
A quiet road to walk with my client.
"For children and animals living now and in the future. For people in the field."